
Monday, July 7, 2014

Fried Green Tomatoes

 A Southern Delicacy

  Crop of Green Tomatoes Starting to Ripen
If you've never tried making fried green tomatoes before, you really should give it a whirl. They're quite simple to whip up and even if you don't like green food, you never know, you just might like these! Even my ultra picky husband, who doesn't like tomatoes, will eat them!

Perfect Slices

If you don't have a mandolin, it's time to invest. I have a proper French model of one but I have to tell you, my favorite is the Pampered Chef version I bought over 10 years ago. It has served me well, and makes me look like a pro every time. (I don't get any kickbacks for saying that - just a loyal customer here!)

Sliced on the  Mandolin

Season Before Dredging

I always like to season my food before breading, so a tomato is no different. This way, the flavor tends to stay with the food, rather than falling off into the oil with all the drippings. I used my favorite Cajun seasoning for these spicy little numbers.

Season the Fruit Before Dredging
Standard Breading Procedure
Set up three containers. One has flour, one a beaten egg, and one with bread crumbs. I like Panko bread crumbs because of their crunchy texture. If you haven't tried them, you're in for a real treat. Dredge each slice of the seasoned tomatoes into the flour, then the egg, and finally the bread crumbs.

Standard Breading Procedure

Fry to a Golden Brown

Stay with the pan, because this part of the process will go fairly quickly! Resist the urge to move the tomatoes around. Instead, allow them to sit and get good and brown, then turn to the other side. You may want to reduce the flame / heat if you notice they are burning rather than browning. 

Fry Until Golden Brown

Remoulade Sauce

Once you've fried each one to a golden brown, eat them immediately with your favorite dipping sauce. This time I made a spicy remoulade sauce to go with them but I like Frank's Chili Sauce with this, too. Invite a couple friends to join in to the process with you. I did, and it made for lasting memories.

Coffee Connoisseurs

Coffee At It's Finest

Shot of espresso topped with steamed milk.

A few years ago we visited friends in the country, a leisurely 20 minute drive outside of town. As good southern hosts will always do, they offered a drink before we had wiped our feet on the mat leading into the back door of their quaint farmhouse. "Special coffee?" my friend asked. Absolutely. That offer rocked my world. My friend had an Italian machine:  fully automatic, bean to cup, purveyor of delicious espresso. Revolutionary. Life-altering. Liquid awesome. 

Coffee Will Never Be The Same

Until then, we had frequented Five-bucks for strong coffee. As avid campers, we were no strangers to the percolator or french press. We were daily coffee drinkers who could not get our minds off that Italian machine. After a little research, we were disappointed to discover how expensive they were! We looked forward to each and every visit to the country - for we knew there'd be waiting for us a cute little cup topped with foam and caramel.

Thrill of a Bargain Meets Our Love for Coffee

One day, my husband and I waited in line outside an estate sale. What would we find? The rumor was the kitchen was packed - right up my alley! I rounded the corner into the kitchen and gasped as if to suck all the air right out of the room! There it sat, motionless, on the pantry shelf next to other small kitchen appliances: the Italian machine of my dreams, much like that owned by my friend in the country. I could not motion for my husband fast enough, to divert his attention which had been drawn immediately to another room in the house. You would think we had found the missing crown jewels. Needless to say, it came home with is that day. It has not sat motionless a day since.