
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Oven-roasted Salmon

A couple years ago some not-so-favorable lab test results sent us looking for ways to fight cholesterol.  Enter, Salmon.  A gold mine of Omega-3s.

I had encountered fishy Salmon in a restaurant enough times to decide it wasn't for me until I decided to give it a try again and see if my taste buds had changed. They had. 

I find three 4 ounce portions of Atlantic Salmon, vacuum-sealed, in the freezer department of my local 'Food-n-Stuff' (yes, that's a Parks and Rec reference!) I love fresh fish, but in this busy life, sometimes I need something to be on hand without having to source it out just before dinner.

Cast Iron Skillet Roasted Salmon with smashed Yukon Golds
When we want a fast, healthy weeknight meal, I get a cast iron skillet good and hot in the oven - 400° to be exact - and put all three heavily-seasoned, frozen filets drizzled with olive oil, right down onto the searing hot pan. Back into the oven they go for 15 minutes, while I prepare a salad. When the timer goes off, add a pat of butter on top and switch the oven to broil for another minute! Our brand of fast food!

Oven-Roasted Salmon Recipe

3 - 4.5 oz pieces of Salmon
Seasoning (We love Cajun Seasoning)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Kosher Salt
Fresh cracked black pepper
3 pats of real, unsalted butter

Pre-heat cast iron skillet in oven to 400° . Drizzle Salmon with oil and season liberally. Drizzle oil into the skillet, add the frozen seasoned fish, then return the pan to the oven for 15 - 18 minutes. During the last minute, turn the oven to high broil. Add a pat of butter on each piece, and serve with a salad or something green!